Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Finish Line

I present to you the last blog post. [cue raucous celebration]. I want to thank my handful of loyal readers for staying with me. I needed to stretch the writing muscles, and I hope that once we get through the holidays I can put them to better use.

A few notes about things that I've written about. First. Leo is doing well but he's still not himself. If it was me who'd had major abdominal surgery I'd be hiding under my covers in a darkened room whining about the pain. Dogs are a lot more stoic. Still, it has to hurt.

The Buckeyes won in a game for the ages, so I can lord it over Michigan fans for another year.

The Custard sized hole in my heart is mending but I still see him out of the corner of my eye every now and then.

I wrote a draft of a post about hockey, football, violence but I don't think it will ever be ready for posting. I think it's just for me.

I have a future son in law. Next October.

Tango still has not gotten a home

Okay, that's it. Now it's back to my regular schedule of posting which is to say, very infrequently.

Have a good December and a Happy New Year. 

Thanks for reading.

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