Friday, November 22, 2013


I was in first grade when shots were fired from the Texas School Book Repository.  Six years old. I don't remember where I was when I heard. I don't know if they told us in school. Would they even tell first graders? My teacher I can't remember. There was a time when I thought I would always be able to recite the names of my elementary school teachers in order. Mrs. Sahadie for kindergarten.  Mrs. Morris for second. Mrs Beam for third etc, etc etc. Damn, who did I have for first grade?

Anyway, I don't have that same recollection of place and time for the Kennedy assassination. I guess six year old boys have other things on their minds. I know I did. My only real memory was that they preempted cartoons for several days and I really only cared about when they were going to come back on.

Cartoons did come back on in a few days, and I went on being a six year old like nothing happened, not understanding until much later that when the cartoons started back up, they did so in a world that had jumped the tracks and was speeding toward places our parents could never have dreamed of, nor fully understand. I'm still trying to understand.

And for the record. I used to be a conspiracy guy, but the more I read, the more I think it was Oswald alone. And can you imagine how many videos there would be if that had happened in the age of iPhones and Droids?

Thanks for reading.

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