Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dogs are like the Ferengi

I get these daily emails with helpful tips about dogs and cats, some of which I've shared. I've also linked them over there on the right so you can get them too. Anyway, the other day one of them explained why dogs love having their ears stroked, and being the geek that I am, I immediately thought of the Ferengi. Now you Trekkers know what I'm talking about, but for those who do not I'm afraid that I'm not going to explain because, well, I've linked it, plus I feel that everyone should be well versed in Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG). If ever you ask me if you should do something and I say, "Make it so, Number One,' you should not look at me as though I'm from another planet, (like Betazed or Cardassia.) You should just immediately do that thing with the utmost efficiency, then report back to me wearing a form-fitting red uniform. And if there is the slightest problem you should call out, "Red alert, shields up" and we can brace for impact together.

The Ferengi love having their ears stroked, and while for Ferengi it's got a whole other wrinkle that we won't get into here, so do dogs. I discovered this with our dobe, Ty, about whom I already posted. Most dobes have their ears cropped, but we elected to leave his ears long, which detracted from the whole Killer Dobe Vibe were were kind of going for, and made him look...well, goofy. But endearing. And leaving them long didn't mean he just had regular ears, he had huge ears. You could cover both eyes with one ear. You could almost tie them into a knot above his head. And they were soft and often so very warm, and it was a pleasure stroking them.

He loved having them stroked. If you started on his ears he would stand there forever, or until one of the cats darted across the room, or there was something to bark at outside, or a wisp of air made his food bowl vibrate. But otherwise, forever. And one night while I was watching a Star Trek TNG re-run and petting his ears, there was a Ferengi scene where they were getting their ears stroked, and I decided that the Star Trek TNG writers must have had a floppy eared dobe, or a basset hound. And I recall actually calling him a Ferengi (yes I am THAT geeky).

So the next time you're petting your dog, check out his ears. And if it's for the first time., go ahead, explore new soft spots and new sources of pleasure; boldly pet where no one has petted before. But never, and I repeat, never get into a business deal with a Ferengi.

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