Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blogapalooza 2011

Today I discovered, via the Facebook post of a denizen of Toronto and probable future family member (this is shaping up to be a grammatically torturous sentence but I'm going to keep going), that November is National Blog Posting Month, aka NaBloPoMo. It's a sister to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). During November, bloggers are encouraged to produce a post a day, every day.

This leaves several areas writing still without their own month.We are yet to see:
NaTechWriMo--(National Technical Writers Month). Daily task: translate from Taiwanese to English one manual on assembling a swingset.

NaRaSpoWriMo--(National Radio Spot Writing Month). Daily task: write one 30 second commercial for a local car dealer that does NOT include the words big, giant, deal, low, money down, lease, APR or the name of any make of car.

NaInfWriMo--(National Infomercial Writing Month). Daily task: Try to sell us something using words that sound great when shouted repeatedly.

NaTOSWriMO--(National Terms of Service Writing Month). Daily task:  Write 40 pages of legalese in 2 point font size, followed by a click box that says 'I Agree.'

NaChaSignLiYoSeAtMufShoWriMo--(National Changeable Sign Like You See at Muffler Shops Writing Month). Daily task: One message that is short enough to make us want to read it, but long enough to make reading it dangerous. 

NaMenBorSpecWriMo--(National Menu Board Specials Writing Month). Daily task: Try to make a new way to say 'Yesterday's stuff chopped up and put into a nice sauce.'

So I'm on board for this whole blog-a-day thing. I expect some posts to be brilliant, and some to be drivel (isn't that the usual ratio anyway?), but they'll be here, even on Thanksgiving (which my Canadian friend doesn't have to worry about).

See you tomorrow.


I'm not going to moderate the comments unless someone starts making trouble...aka..Don't make me come down here.