Saturday, November 5, 2011

An Interview with Victor

 Victor, is a 9 year old shepherd-retriever mix, currently staying at the Humane Society of Greater Akron, waiting for a new home.  November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month, and Victor hopes someone out there is looking for a dog just like him. I spent a few minutes with Victor this week.

Aurora Boardealis:  Let me first say how great you look for being nine. What's your secret?

Victor: I go easy on the vices, ya know? I don't smoke, and I only drink out of the toilet on weekends. I gotta stay on top of my game for the ladies.

AB: You're still chasing the ladies?

V: Are you kidding? Look around. There's some real knockouts here, let me tell you. See that collie over there? She checks me out every time I go for my walks.

AB She is kind of pretty.

V: Back off, pal. I saw her first.

AB: No problem. Let me ask you, how did you get the name, Victor?

V: My first home, they was Michigan fans, and they named me after their stupid fight song, 'Hail to the Victors.'

AB: Oh man, that's terrible.

V: Tell me about it. One time they was watching the game and when the band started playing I went over and peed on the TV.

AB: You're my new favorite dog.

V: Did I mention I like cats?

AB: No, but the people at the Humane Society did. Why is that?

V: I don't know, they're just so soft and cuddly. Plus, the chicks really dig a guy who likes cats.

AB: Listen, it's been good meeting you. I hope you find a forever home soon.

V: Thanks for coming by. Say, can you sneak me over with that collie?

AB: I don't think so.

V: Come on man, just this once.

AB: All right, I'm going to leave now.

Victor is available for interviews at the Humane Society of Greater Akron. Please go check out him, and all the other wonderful older dogs and cats who are looking for a home just like yours.

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