Monday, December 29, 2014

Today's 'Why I Hate Facebook' Moment

There are perhaps 13-19 legitimate reasons to hate Facebook, and most of them involve privacy. I have read them and I have essentially decided to ignore them with the vague hope they won't come 'round to bite me in the ass somewhere down the road.

One of the other reasons is the way Facebook chooses to populate our feeds. What I want is for every post from every friend to appear in strict chronological order, giving me the option to tell Facebook to stop showing me posts by people who annoy me but not to the point of unfriending them. How hard is that?

I've noticed that lately it seems to be dredging up old posts more than it used to. How that manifested itself today is I saw a post by a friend announcing that her dog died.

"Aww," I commented, "he was a good dog."

It turns out that this dog died weeks ago. Now why, Facebook, would you facilitate the opening of old wounds? And why would you so readily assist me is making such a gaffe? What monetary gains are there to be made by allowing random, past posts to bubble to the top as though they are new?

Let me join my voice with the millions who share my anger about this. Stop it, Facebook. Just stop it.

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