Wednesday, December 3, 2014

3 Cool Things I Heard Today

While I'm rehabbing I like to listen to podcasts. One that I'm particularly fond of is StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Today he said three things that blew my mind.

1. All the gold that has ever been mined would fit in a standard barn. (Also gold is denser than lead and fast drivers should be called gold-foots). 

2. The gravitational pull from an obstetrician on the baby he/she's delivering is greater than the gravitational pull of Mars on that same baby (okay maybe not mind blowing but it's cool that someone calculated that). 

3. If you could extract all the negatively charged particles from one cubic centimeter of the nose of the space shuttle and affix them to the base of the launch pad directly beneath, the pull between them and the positively charged particles in the nose would be great enough that the shuttle could not launch. 

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